How to rejuvenate and have epic fun without running yourself into the ground


Imagine feeling UNHURRIED this summer with the energy and space to enjoy what’s most precious to you – family, warm weather activities, great food, and travel. 

On top of that, imagine enjoying remarkable leisure and connection with yourself and others without sacrificing your work success or growth! 

You shouldn’t have to choose between the two. You can have both!

Every fall in my coaching practice, new clients (top performing, Type A professionals) come to me feeling painfully exhausted and in need of support to undo the cumulative effects their stress piled on over the summer. 


In this 2 part workshop series, you’ll discover the simple strategies I have taught those women and used myself summer after summer to create unforgettable experiences without squeezing summer into a life that’s already at capacity! 

Summer can be the most rejuvenating and enjoyable season of the year. Banish burnout before it even starts. Join me to learn how!

Think of the time you’ll spend in this workshop series as a generous gift to yourself – one that has 10x the returns.

You can show up anonymously, without having to reveal your name or face, if that’s more comfortable.

Just come to listen and you’ll reap the reward of life changing strategies that have an immediate impact on your ability to feel present, rested, joyful, and most importantly, unapologetically in control of the pace of your summer. 

Sounds good, right?

The Details

The workshops will be June 9-10th, at noon ET, on ZOOM. There will be a replay available for a limited time.  

Sign Up Now!

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