Burn Bright for the Holidays

with Dr. Crystal Frazee

A 4-part workshop series teaching women to burnout-proof the holidays and shift from maxed out to sustainable

Is your plate overflowing trying to balance life and work before the holidays even start?

Has the stress of 2022 taken a toll on your body and mind?

Do you feel the pressure to “push through” knowing you’ll be exhausted by the end of the year?

Are you trying to make the holidays memorable for everyone else, but aren’t sure of how to make it enjoyable for yourself?

 Did you promise yourself last year to do things differently, but want support to make sure it happens?


Giving more than you are receiving puts you at risk for burnout and leaves you feeling depleted and resentful. The holidays are a time where women tend to drain themselves even more than usual because they tend to play the added roles of event planning, hosting, coordinating schedules, gift giving, decorating, cooking, tidying, and more despite working their regular job and managing the family. Add to that getting less sleep than usual, travel, and a disrupted routine and it’s a recipe for burnout! 

The solution is to tap into what you really want for yourself this year – even if it makes you feel guilty to think about it. 

In this series, Dr. Crystal Frazee will guide you to clarify how you want to feel through the holidays and what you value most. She’ll teach you her sure fire way to determine which holiday tasks are in alignment (and which are not and get crossed off the list). Above all, she will share elements of her Somatic Attunement Method™ so you can confidently answer the question, “What do I need?” and easily follow through to fulfill it without guilt.

Get life-changing tools that will support you after the holidays are over. 

  • Proven and easy to do strategies for stress relief you can do anytime, anywhere to stop anxiety in its tracks.
  • Gain confidence in listening to your body’s messages and knowing what they mean.
  • Priceless visualization practices to help you clarify your vision for the next 3 months of your life, including your energy level, mood, and sense of contentment. 
  • Simple boundary setting and communication skills so you stay authentic to yourself in any situation. 
  • Soften expectations of yourself and others so you can feel more present to the precious moments of your life 

What’s Included:

  • 4 Virtual Workshops (45 minutes each) each covering a specific topic and gives you core skills that build on each other

  • Q&A time after each workshop so you receive personalized coaching from Dr. Crystal Frazee

  • Dr. Crystal Frazee’s expertise based on 15 years of coaching women on stress related issues to guarantee you results

  • Replays available if you can’t attend live

  • Access to Dr. Crystal Frazee via email for follow-up questions while enrolled in this program

The schedule is Thursdays 6:30pm-7:30pm ET

  • Dec 1st: Clarify
  • Dec 8th: Envision
  • Dec 15th: Receive
  • Dec 22nd: Let Go


  • Boost Your Body Battery Guide

This guide will radically change the way you think of your energy level and the ways that you can sustain it. This will give you a specific strategy to wake up feeling like your body battery (energy) is at 100% and how to prevent yourself from ever bottoming out again. 

  • Sleep Like A Baby Guide

This guide teaches you the three simple steps to repairing your sleep cycle so you never wake up at 4am with a racing mind again. Follow these steps and you’ll wake up rested and raring to go.

Investment: $299 

(Live coaching access to Dr. Crystal Frazee $2,200 value)

Refund Policy: This program investment is non-refundable. 

Have a question? Send an email to [email protected] for support.

I’m Dr. Crystal Frazee and I’ve spent the past 16 years developing the Somatic Attunement Method and validating that it’s the #1 method for resolving burnout for top-performing, professional women. 

Then nearly 3 years ago, I had my own experience with burnout that brought me close to a breakdown. I had two little girls and was suddenly the primary breadwinner with two full time jobs, a household to manage, and much more on my plate. Without a single family member within a 13 hour drive to help out, it was the greatest challenge of my life. 

I was fortunate to have the Somatic Attunement Method™ at my disposal to carry me through. It was a surreal way to validate that this solution works, even in the most intense of circumstances.

Fast forward to 2022, I’m more grounded and content than ever and crystal clear on the path ahead toward my ambitions. I’m still working hard and living with a full plate, but I know how to respond to stress in a way that doesn’t slow me down one bit.

But Don’t Just Take It From Me…

“Working with Crystal was a life-changing experience. The things I’ve done all my life to survive and succeed were actually the same things that threaten my health and career. She has opened my eyes to the toll my pace, and more importantly the stories I told myself, were having on my physical health. And she does it in a calming and logical way, giving me clear direction (and data – I love data) so that I can continue getting stronger and better at “standing in my truth”. If you’re a type A, “leaning in”, super woman who just feels really tired these days, work with Crystal!”

~ Jen (CEO/Entrepreneur)

“I don’t know how I could have done it without Crystal. I was totally maxed out and on the verge of a breakdown. She held my hand through her whole process and helped me get control of the stress in my life instead of it controlling me!”

~ Jodi (Non-Profit Executive Director)