Attuned Leadership for Women Podcast
Episode 018
Cultivate Your Unique Leadership Identity – Part Two
This is the second episode of a two-part series going deep into leadership identity for women. Tune in to get my step-by-step guidance to refining your leadership identity whether you’re an emerging or an already established leader.
I share prompts and questions that will inspire you to spend some time journaling and reflecting on your leadership journey. It’s like having a private coaching call with me.
Discover how my story of leading others up the mountain and corralling them to the finish line can relate to how you lead in your organization.
You won’t want to miss it!

Quotes from the Episode
“Your leadership identity is your core values, beliefs, competencies, and personal brand as they relate to your leadership roles. It’s how you see yourself and want others to perceive you in your leadership capacity. It’s something that evolves with time as you gain more experience and insight. And you benefit from being intentional about crafting your leadership identity because it guides your decision making, acts as a compass for your behavior, and shapes your interactions with your team and organization. ”
Dr. Crystal Frazee
“It can be harder for women to get buy-in, be taken seriously, and be seen as fully capable due to unconscious bias. Having an intentionally crafted leadership identity for your workplace helps you to minimize that.”
Dr. Crystal Frazee
“Typically clients say that this is really hard to learn at first. Knowing they can help and not volunteering almost feels painful until that moment passes and then they discover that there’s a wave of ecstatic joy and relief and they recognized how much time and energy they have forgone for other things and other people than what they should have said yes to.”
Dr. Crystal Frazee
[00:00:46] Developing leadership identity.
[00:07:00] Emerging woman leaders.
[00:09:57] Leading from the top.
[00:15:32] Leadership identity and authenticity.
[00:19:15] Moving laterally for career growth.
[00:23:31] Rising leaders need self-boundaries.
[00:26:19] Telling stories with a story arc.
[00:31:00] Purpose and resilience.
[00:34:01] Authenticity in leadership.
[00:38:38] Women reinventing themselves.
Mentioned In This Episode:
- Cultivate Your Unique Leadership Identity – Part One
- Learn more about the Attuned Leadership Audits for emerging and established leaders
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- Free Short Audio Training: How to Run Your Day Without It Running You
- Free PDF Training: Stress & Overwhelm Relief Game Plan
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*Just a heads up – the provided transcript is likely to not be 100% accurate.
Dr. Crystal Frazee: Welcome back to the second episode of our series on crafting your unique leadership identity. In the previous episode, I covered the foundations of leadership identity so you understand what it is, why you need it, and how to develop yours. Today, I’m breaking it down specifically into the distinct differences between developing your leadership identity if you’re an emerging leader versus if you’re an already established leader who’s reached the pinnacle of their career. You’ll leave today’s show understanding more deeply what your unique challenges may be, strategies and skills required to excel despite them, and know exactly what steps you need to take next in these different stages of leadership. You’re going to get a little taste of some of the coaching questions that I ask my clients when we’re working on refining and developing their leadership identity. Let’s get to it.
Show Trailer
Where do established and aspiring women leaders go to get answers to their biggest challenges, like how to deal with double standards, break free from hustle and burnout, drive change without being bossy, and how to raise visibility by doing less, not more? I’m Dr. Crystal Frazee, your host and a women’s health and leadership expert and author. I’ve spent the past 15 years developing the answers to those questions. I believe that your body has all the wisdom you need and that without much effort, you can leverage it for things like faster, better decision-making, creating a magnetic presence for influence, and even navigating perimenopause so your performance goes up instead of down. In this show, I will teach you what traditional leadership approaches overlook, how to leverage your body wisdom to break free from time and energy traps, shatter barriers, dissolve the good woman programming that stops you from living on your terms, level the playing field at home and work, and be the most powerful leader you can be. Get ready to rewrite the rules of success and satisfaction using the practical strategies of attuned leadership for women. Let’s dive in.
Main Content
Dr. Crystal Frazee:
Hey, to start out, I wanna take a second and give you a quick definition of leadership identity in case you’re jumping into the series without having listened to Part One, which was episode 017, if you wanna go back. It’s packed with value and support, but I’ll do my best to catch you up through a super abbreviated 30 second recap.
The concept of leadership identity refers to a person’s distinct and authentic sense of self as a leader. Your leadership identity is your core values, beliefs, competencies, and personal brand as they relate to your leadership roles. It’s how you see yourself and want others to perceive you in your leadership capacity. It’s something that evolves with time as you gain more experience and insight. And you benefit from being intentional about crafting your leadership identity because it guides your decision-making, acts as a compass for your behavior, and shapes your interactions with your team and organization. And leaders who consistently display the same leadership identity day after day in a variety of situations where their actions are aligned with their values and beliefs, are more successful at fostering authenticity and trust.
In the last episode, I walked you through three steps of crafting your leadership identity. Self-awareness, skill development, and authentic leadership. So go back if you would like to dive more into those.
As I’ve mentioned in other shows, it can be harder for women to get buy-in, be taken seriously, and be seen as fully capable due to unconscious bias. Having an intentionally crafted leadership identity for your workplace helps you to minimize that.
And in just three steps, you can refine your leadership identity. And it’s not just a buzzword. It can’t be an afterthought. Your leadership identity is your personal brand. It positions you in the best light with your team and stakeholders, helps you clarify your purpose, set goals, and experience more impact. Okay, that was a fast recap. I hope you are inspired so far. As we move into the second part of this series and the meat of what this episode is about, let’s start with a thought experiment. Take a second and think of a leader who has personally had a positive impact on your personal development or your career in some way. Can you name their top values and the ways they showed the values through their actions? What was it about them that made them so influential? Did they seem to have a clear purpose? And how did you experience them live that purpose? What did they champion and what would they refuse to stand for? Those are qualities of their unique leadership identity.
Here’s another thought experiment. When I say Elon Musk, a concept of his leadership identity probably comes to mind. The same is true of Michelle Obama, the former First Lady, and Jacinda Ardern, the former Prime Minister of New Zealand. What they value, all three of them, and believe in are palpable and displayed through their behaviors, right?
So, have you ever stopped to think about your own leadership identity and how you want to show up or how it can influence your success and satisfaction?
Hey there, I’m taking a quick pause from the show to remind you to check out my Leadership Identity Audit. That’s a private session with you and me where we first clarify your leadership level. Are you an emerging or an established leader in a senior position? Then I take you through my three-step process to make sure you understand the challenges, strategies, and skills that are most critical for you to reach your goals. It gives you invaluable insight into where you need to focus your leadership development and laser focuses right in on the blind spots you may be currently facing. To learn more about the Leadership Identity Audit, go to forward slash audit. I would love to support you with this.
End Promotion:
You see, emerging leaders are pioneering their path. They’re in their early career and leadership journey. Usually these are professionals aiming to be seen as capable, so they can be moved up into higher positions and be given more responsibility. And their goal is typically upward mobility. Now I’m generalizing this based on the women that I’ve worked with in my practice, but the emerging woman leader is ambitious, has a strong work ethic, tries to be adaptable, and has a passion for personal and professional growth. They’re trying to learn what others expect of them, and they work hard to fulfill those expectations. It’s also my experience that it can be hard for them to discern what and who to say yes to. It feels like there are a lot of demands and responsibilities, and they all have a similar weight.
One of the defining aspects is for the emerging leader to balance that eagerness to prove themselves by taking on a lot and doing everything they can, including being helpful, with getting pigeonholed into less impactful roles and tasks that can hinder their growth, like being the office note taker or the coffee pot manager when that actually feels outside of your role.
Now, I’ve talked a lot before about the Goldilocks Syndrome, which refers to the fact that assertive men are automatically granted credibility. But if women are seen as too assertive, then they can be seen as unfit to lead, bitchy or mouthy, even by other women. The flip side is that being seen as too nice can be equally harmful to your career progression. And that sets you up to be perceived as not having what it takes to handle higher responsibilities or to take on team dynamics.
It’s helpful to really press pause and get clear on your personal and professional values. What are you most passionate about and what principles do you stand by no matter what, whether you’re hanging out on the weekend with your besties or sitting in on the Monday morning meeting? What are the qualities of your personal brand that you want to shape professionally? I know that these are big questions and I don’t expect you to answer them all immediately, but some ideas should be popping up and wherever there’s gaps, I want you to sit with it and journal it out.
And I’m going to tell you a quick story. I will never forget the day that one of my closest friends a long time ago told me this story where her father said on the first day of her job to never start the coffee pot or do things that portrayed her as the secretary because being secretary wasn’t her role. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the secretary role, but that wasn’t what she started at this company for. He knew her goal and it was to lead from the top. And I just want you to know that my friend is now leading a division of a well-established global company. So I thought that was very good advice.
In my own experience, examples of the things that fall into that category are being the office housekeeper in different ways and managing the dishes in the community kitchen, for example. And one of the rules of thumb that I’ve used over the past 15 plus years is that I wouldn’t do things if I didn’t also see male counterparts doing them with the same level of effort. Women have been conditioned culturally from an early age to be problem solvers. And that results in grownups women in the workplace that easily step up to solve operational problems. And often when I’m working with a client that has too much on their plate, they don’t have enough time and it’s a challenge to prioritize what’s most important. They have what I call the “tingle to help effect.” That’s where many girls were praised and validated for being helpful little girls. They were generous, selfless, and nurturing. And what they don’t realize is that unconsciously they have a pattern of jumping and raising their hands for additional opportunities at work. It’s like, you see a need, you raise your hand. You proudly rake the new task onto your already filled plate because it creates a nervous system state shift that’s familiar from early childhood, even when doing so doesn’t move the professional needle.
And this is not a criticism because it’s not my, your, or women’s collective fault. It’s literally what we’ve been wired to do. And I’ve been unlearning this for quite some time myself. I’m a big believer that by naming the problem, which is not you, it’s not me, it’s not us, it’s culture, it gets easier to unwind the behavioral patterns that we have.
Okay, as an emerging leader, I want you to know that it is so important that you listen to the signals from your body and use those signals to help you discern how you’re going to respond as you move throughout your day. So pretend that your homework from this episode is that I want you to notice when you feel, I call it the ‘tingle to help’ which is what I’ve been describing. It’s this sudden sensation of anticipation and energy and almost just giddy happiness when you realize you can solve a problem. In your body, it feels almost like a little dopamine hit. just notice if this is resonating the next time it happens where you feel it in your body. For me, it’s an expansion sensation in my chest and a fullness in my breath, like I can easily just breathe all of a sudden and I actually feel more relaxed for a moment. And if we think about that from a developmental perspective, if in early life I was validated and seen and recognized and praised, for taking things on and solving other people’s problems, then of course I’m gonna be wired that that feels like a good thing.
Except now, I’m in a very different situation. I’m not relying on my caregiver’s validation for survival. I wanna make very strategic, discerning decisions about how I use my time and energy at work.
On the opposite side, I want you to really focus on listening to your body because it can help you learn when you need to say no. When you’re asked to do something and you actually don’t have the capacity or it’s not realistic in your workflow right now, if you’re paying attention, you will notice tension in your body. It might be more like your breathing feels restricted for a moment. And I call these feelings ‘signals of violation.’ Now my clients start to learn these by noticing the times they say yes to take something on and then almost immediately they regret it. Or someone pushes and pushes and they finally give in and then their first response is anger with themselves. Their body clearly said no, but their mouth said yes. And it’s just a lack of practice of identifying that body’s boundary, the body’s voice that says, no, don’t do that. No, I can’t do that. I don’t want to do that. And feeling safe and that you have the permission to say no.
Now, this type of situation is related to leadership identity because when we violate our yes or no, there’s a misalignment between your values and your authentic desires and the action that you’re taking. And people know when you’re being authentic and people know when you have a facade. And if you want buy-in and respect from other people, being authentic is gonna get you there faster.
Emerging leaders benefit from support to clarify their values so much because it helps them know when to speak up and take action, when to say no, when to say yes, when to sit quietly, and maybe even when to let an opportunity to be helpful pass them by. Typically clients say that this is really hard to learn at first. Knowing they can help and not volunteering almost feels painful until that moment passes and then they discover that there’s a wave of ecstatic joy and relief and they recognized how much time and energy they have forgone for other things and other people than what they should have said yes to.
For you emerging leaders listening, the next thing I want you to do is think of a woman role model that you want to emulate in your leadership identity. Name what specifically you want to adopt from them. Get specific also about the qualities that you do not want to adopt from them, the ones that you think may have been a deterrent in their effectiveness. And think of it like a wish list.
When you have a specific role model to think of, it’s powerful because you can leverage that body wisdom in the learning process. As you’ve interacted with this leader, or if it’s someone you don’t personally know, but maybe you’re familiar with them through the media, you have a feeling in your body when you see them say or do certain things because it inspires you. If you don’t have women role models, because many professionals actually don’t, then start looking for them. Look back in history, read about those people, pay attention to current events, ask around and ask who other people look up to, or ask a senior leader in your organization right now or your industry to coffee, let them know you’re looking to find role models or mentors and just want to hear their story.
I hope you’re still with me here. The next step is to know your goals. What are your two year goals? What are the relationships you want to form? What growth do you want in your career? And what specifically are the skills you think you’ll need to get there? And those are kind of related to the steps that I walked you through in episode 017. It’s important because your energy needs to go into focusing on those things, which means that there could be a lot of extraneous work and effort that you get to prune away when you realize that if you keep doing it, it’s not leading you towards those goals.
When you know your values and principles, when you know the role models you want to emulate, and when you know your goals, it brings into focus what projects you’ll say yes to or no to, and even how much effort you may put into various aspects of your current role. It’ll also help you understand relationships to forge outside of your department and possibly your organization.
As you’re shaping your leadership identity, I want to remind you that you don’t always have to think about moving upward for career growth. Sometimes moving laterally into another department or organization can be a really strategic move if you sense that there’s challenges that can hold you back where you currently are.
Think about what your strengths are and how you can make yourself more visible by demonstrating those strengths. Communicate how much you enjoy certain aspects of your work and ask for more work like that or ways to take on more responsibility related to that strength. And being strategic about this can help you offload work in other areas that may be more related to your weaknesses. You could say something like, “I think it’s so much more valuable to the team or to this project to have me focus on this specific aspect because I know that I can get this work done and do it exceptionally well. In order to do that, I would like to push this other thing off my plate, have you reallocate that because it will take me twice as long and not have the same impact. Is there somebody more suited to take that on for the team right now?”
Emerging leaders, hear me out here. The trap I see many of you falling into is trying to do everything well, saying yes to all the requests, and thinking that you’re going to get ahead by showing up as the good girl that everybody can rely on. Similar to who is starting the coffee pot, are the male leaders in your organization showing up that way? Most likely they keep their smaller scope projects that they can see to completion and they aren’t getting as bogged down. The outcome could be that they appear more capable of moving into higher level leadership positions because they can clearly manage the load they currently have and maintain composure.
Don’t make the mistake of looking dispensable. And if you don’t know what I mean by that, that happens when you take on too much and you don’t have the bandwidth, you’re not communicating your boundaries, and you’re not asking for the resources you need to do the job well. And then you’re much more likely to underperform at least compared to others.
This can be how the Goldilocks Syndrome plays out. You’re trying to be nice, helpful, and taking on things for other people instead of saying no, and focusing on your own zone of genius. So you appear to upper leadership that your skills are redundant with others. It becomes less clear how your skills are unique or are an asset to the organization. And you could fail to meet some expectations or the quality in certain domains may not be up to par and overall stretching yourself too broadly can tarnish your reputation. and that sets you up to appear replaceable or that your unique skills that you absolutely have aren’t essential because they’re not as known.
I have a dear friend, her name is Rebecca Griffith, and she advised me a long time ago when we were talking about how to really share the parenting load with our male spouses. And she advised me, because her oldest is a little older than mine, she said, “start out how you intend to keep going.” And that is a statement that I’ve applied in many areas of my life. And I’ll add to that the wise words of Seth Godin in his book, Linchpin, which is really related to this topic. “If you need to conceal your true nature to get in the door, understand that you’ll probably have to conceal your true nature to keep that job.”
So instead, focus on being indispensable. For the emerging leader, that means that you take on projects with a direct positive impact on the company’s success. Instead of taking on other people’s work, coach them to complete it themselves. and show that you can navigate complex problems with creativity and determination, but without scraping all the incomplete work into your own plate with the I-can-fix-it mentality from your colleagues.
Rising leaders need self-boundaries in a really specific way. where they’re clear on where they need to hold themselves back from saying yes, or over committing or overworking. They need to collaborate with others really strategically. An example, if somebody is working on something that involves your zone of genius, ask how you can work with them and enhance the outcome. And by being more discerning about your total workload, then you have more space for learning, which is critical to staying at the cutting edge of your field and having time to receive mentorship and support and recovery.
Here’s the last point I want to make to my emerging leaders listening. You have to promote yourself. Don’t shy away from any opportunity to claim your impact. Respond to my next question with a yes or no in your mind. Are you regularly communicating about your successes to upper leadership? Hmm. Think about how to do this within your personal brand. If you are doing it, great, but is it authentic and is it aligned? And if you’re not doing it, start to really notice opportunities. where you can communicate your successes, the ways that you enhanced other people’s work, ways that you’ve completed work that contributes to the company’s success, using your specific zone of genius in a way that highlights your personality that’s not self-promotional. Here’s some ideas for you in case you’re not sure. You could suggest to start an email thread with the whole team at the end of the week. “Every Friday, let’s plan to reply to this thread about what you’re most proud of that you’ve accomplished for the week or a creative way that you solved a problem.” That way everybody is replying, but you also get to make sure that your work is being highlighted. If you want to share a personal accomplishment and you don’t really want to frame it around only you, then find a way to phrase it about the team’s success or the organizational benefits.
And we can’t forget to mention here visibility and how critical it is for your career growth. You’ve heard the saying, out of sight, out of mind, and it’s so true. Your superiors, peers, and mentors will see your potential and consider you for more significant roles and opportunities because you’re able to communicate how you’ve overcome challenges, how you’ve adapted to come out on top, and celebrating the work that you’ve done.
And that really brings me to my last point that I want you to think about making it a practice to learn how to tell stories with a story arc to do that. For example, if you’re talking to upper leadership, you might set the context. by sharing the situation or the challenge that needed addressing. Imagine that you’re watching a commercial and you get to jump right in to when the man is hanging off the cliff and you watch the rest. That’s how I want you to think of your story arc. Start by really capturing their attention, setting the context in terms of why it’s important to them. There was a situation or challenge that needed addressing. Then talk about the conflict you faced and the difficulties you had. Bring them into the story. Describe the actions you took to address the challenge and highlight the problem-solving and decision-making skills you used to persevere. And emphasize any teamwork you facilitated to show how you were able to influence others. and share the positive outcomes and the impact of your actions, especially using data where you can to kind of quantify your results. Share the lesson you learn and how you would go about this problem differently in the future. And then, don’t forget this part, ask them for feedback. As you wrap the story up, say, I’m sharing this with you because I really value your input. Do you have any insight that would have helped me do even better in this situation? And that’s going to help deepen a genuine relationship with them and you’re building trust and you’re going to learn valuable wisdom from them. Using a story arc feels really different to the listener than if you were to share this positive story in a, look at me, I did this great thing kind of way. It’s going to be memorable to them.
I hope these ideas have helped you emerging leaders think about leadership identity and how you can use it to catalyze your career. If you’re listening and this has been helpful to you, please take a second, send me a quick email, and let me know what was helpful for you and what part you’re going to work on next. My email address is crystal at crystalfrazee dot com. Otherwise, make it a point to send this episode to a friend or colleague that you think can benefit from the tips I’ve shared so far.
Now we get to move into my favorite part of this work, leadership identity for the established leader. These are individuals who hold high-level positions in organizations and play crucial roles. Their job titles really vary across industries, but most commonly, it’s director level and above. And it can be the executive director, the VP, senior VP, president, C-suite, and business owners. It can also be members of leadership from HR, These leaders have unique characteristics that set them apart in their fields. They have a proven track record and lots of experience. They’ve likely already shown the ability to navigate complex challenges. They have already managed larger teams.
As women, they’ve had to deal with increased scrutiny. Studies show that as women climb the leadership ladder, it’s like turning on a spotlight that amplifies every move. Not only are men watching, but so are fellow women. The higher you go, the closer you get to the magnifying glass. It’s like a never-ending performance review. Whether it’s your leadership style or your attire or even the tone of your emails, everything can end up under the microscope. And that’s why leadership identity is so crucial for established leaders. It takes some of the guesswork out of how you’ll deal with the critics and persistent challenges.
When you know who you are and what you stand for clearly, then you feel assured in your decision making. When you’re making big decisions, sometimes there isn’t a winning solution. Maybe your goal is simply just to minimize losses. And sometimes decisions need to be made quickly without all the information you may want. And you have to go by instinct. These are examples of why having strong leadership identity serves as your compass. When none of your options are great, lean into your values and principles and use them to make the best choice.
You need to have a sense of purpose. Why are you serving in this role? What is the impact you want to make and how does it tap into your values? Purpose contributes to your resilience as well. During challenging times, having a professional purpose that aligns with your core values helps you see things creatively and gives you the stamina to keep going. You’re propelled by something bigger than yourself.
And I think it’s important to mention how being in upper leadership can be quite lonely. Most of my clients don’t have others they confide in, which is why they value the confidentiality and support of our coaching relationship, but also why they rely so much on their sense of purpose as motivation to carry them through the challenging industry and people dynamics that they face.
And there’s a few more really important points. Having a refined leadership identity helps you communicate your vision and values more effectively. And that helps you rally others on the team and stakeholders. And it helps set the organizational culture.
I love a good visualization. So see if you can imagine this. What if being in upper leadership is like standing at a post three-fourths of the way up a mountain peak? Now, I used to live in Colorado. Climbing 13ers was something that I loved to do, so this brings up a lot of imagery for me. But just imagine that if you were in upper leadership, that your job here on this mountain is to coordinate and compel everyone to the top. It will help you so much if, as you do that, you’re being authentic. The conditions are rugged. The air is thin. Everybody’s tired and thirsty and wants shelter. And if you are being authentic, it takes less energy to do the job. Sharing your internal experience to validate others is going to help you see them more fully and rally them on. So you could shout something like, “I know it’s windy up here, but you’ve made it this far. I believe in you and know you can do this. We’re all in this together. Just put one foot in front of the other. And if you’re like me, you have a blister on your pinky toe and you just want to lie down and rest. But rest is just around the corner. Keep going. And if you do, we all win. We’re going to celebrate your effort and your tenacity. I am so grateful for you. Come on. I’m going to put my arm around you and walk with you for this home stretch because together we are stronger.” Now doesn’t that feel good? Isn’t that the ability to relate and champion that you want from upper leadership? Don’t you want to follow that leader up the mountain?
There’s many established leaders I’ve coached that we’ve discovered have been holding back from leading with true authenticity. They’ve spent decades not sharing their personal experiences because they’re women and they had a fear of backlash. But that authenticity and ability to connect and be empathic is actually rocket fuel for building stronger relationships, getting buy-in, disarming critics, and moving a team forward.
And this is a key difference between emerging and established leaders. The emerging leader is just pioneering the journey up the mountain. They have a lot of paths they can choose from, and they have to pick how they think they’ll get up the mountain, and adapt along the way. On their journey, they’ll refine their skills so they know how to start to climb more effectively next time. The established leader is already up the mountain, they know how to climb, and their job now is to steer others to the summit using the resources they have as efficiently and effectively as possible, no matter the conditions. To do that, she needs to know who she is, what she stands for, when to show humility, when to cheer, when to coach, when to pass the reins, when to quit, and what legacy she wants to leave. And all of that stems from leadership identity and informs your unique leadership style and results in your impact, satisfaction, and sustainability.
And even though, as you’re listening, you’re probably going, yes, this is important. All established leaders need to work with someone to figure this out. They actually have fewer options for where to go for professional development like this. Established leaders want confidentiality, which makes learning groups that the emerging leader may participate in feel inappropriate at upper levels. So I want to share that the ICF, that’s the International Coach Federation, is the largest body that credentials executive coaches. They report that executive coaching results in, get this, a 70% increase in individual performance, a 50% increase in team performance, and 48% increase in organizational performance. In that publication, they didn’t directly correlate those results to coaches supporting those leaders to uplevel their leadership identity. But from what I’ve seen in my coaching practice, I’m going to say that it has to be a large contributor.
For the established leaders listening, I want you to know that there are lots of people in our community that can provide excellent support for you to build your leadership identity, myself included. It really is critical in your long-term sustainability and fulfillment. It’s really hard to argue with those powerful stats that having support can change your individual team and organizational performance so significantly. So take my word for it. Think about the questions and prompts that I’ve shared in this episode and notice where you feel inspired to spend some time journaling and working to refine your own leadership identity And what parts of my story about being a leader almost all the way up the mountain corralling others to the finish line and how that relates to what you’re doing in your organization.
If you are listening and you want to know more about my one-on-one leadership audits for emerging or established leaders, go to forward slash audit.
I hope that you have learned new things from this series. It’s been my pleasure to share this show and my ideas and experiences with you. I enjoy creating the podcast and hope so much that it gives you ideas to incorporate into your own leadership development and career success. I personally record, edit, and produce every show myself, and the best way for you to show your appreciation is to take three minutes or less, go to Apple Podcasts app on your phone, and leave a typed review of why you think the show is valuable.
Share it with your friends and colleagues, and reach out if you’d like to learn more about bringing the Attuned Leadership™ training, coaching, or speaking to your organization.
The next show is going to be incredible. I’m interviewing Misty Hageness, who is an economist tracking women’s labor in the care economy. She’s writing a book called Swiftynomics about how women are reinventing themselves and how it’s a good thing. It’s impacting the economy and what we can learn from them to rewrite our own rules of career and life success.
Until next time, take good care of yourself.